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Shanghai Zinc: Market Supply Was Limited, Premiums Surged [SMM Midday Review]

iconSep 5, 2024 16:08
Today, the mainstream transaction prices for 0# zinc were concentrated between 23,200-23,560 yuan/mt.

Today, the mainstream transaction prices for 0# zinc were concentrated between 23,200-23,560 yuan/mt. Shuangyan brand was traded between 23,320-23,660 yuan/mt. The mainstream transaction prices for 1# zinc were between 23,130-23,490 yuan/mt. In the early session, the average premium for cargoes with invoices dated this month was 20-30 yuan/mt; the premium over the 2409 contract was 50-90 yuan/mt, and the premium over the 2410 contract was 140-180 yuan/mt, with actual transactions being limited. In the second trading session, the premium for ordinary domestic brands was around 150-180 yuan/mt over the 2410 contract, while the premium for the high-end brand Shuangyan was around 260-280 yuan/mt over the 2410 contract. Today, zinc prices fell sharply, leading to increased dip buying by downstream enterprises. Market circulation was relatively low, and traders were reluctant to sell, resulting in a significant rise in premiums. Overall, transactions were relatively good.

Market review

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